
The Importance of Clear Communication in the shipping Industry

By Andreas Karamitas - Maritime PR expert

To achieve its ambitious climate targets and truly reform, the shipping industry must move beyond catchy slogans and focus on tangible action. The maritime industry is at a pivotal juncture, facing the complex decarbonization challenge. While conferences and discussions generate a flurry of ideas and commitments, the path to a sustainable future requires more than well-intentioned words. Clear, honest communication is essential to navigating this transition, and PR agencies are uniquely positioned to facilitate this dialogue.

The Inconvenient Truth of Decarbonization

Recent events like IMO MEPC80 have highlighted a fundamental truth: not everyone in the industry is ready, willing, or able to embrace the changes necessary for decarbonization. The reasons are varied, ranging from concerns about costs to a lack of readily available alternative fuels. This reluctance is not unique to shipping companies. Consumers often prioritize affordability over sustainability, and many companies engage in greenwashing to appease eco-conscious sentiments without enacting meaningful change.

Honesty and Collaboration: The Keys to Progress

The industry must embrace honesty and transparency rather than relying on virtue signaling. Recognizing the challenges and limitations is the first step toward finding viable solutions. Communication between stakeholders – shipping companies, shippers, charterers, and consumers – is crucial. By working collaboratively and acknowledging the shared responsibility for decarbonization, the industry can develop effective strategies that address the needs of all parties involved.

Purpose Communications specializes in crafting communication strategies that resonate with diverse audiences. By distilling complex issues into clear, impactful messages, PR professionals can bridge the gap between intention and action, fostering a shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Focusing on Immediate Action and Existing Solutions

While long-term goals and future fuels are essential, utilizing the tools and technologies available today is equally important. Maximizing vessel and fleet performance through operational efficiency can significantly reduce emissions and save costs. For instance, the Blue Visby solution, which optimizes vessel arrival times, has the potential to reduce emissions by up to 15%. Additionally, smaller vessels, responsible for 15% of GHG emissions, present an opportunity for immediate impact by adopting battery power, wind propulsion, and hydrogen fuel cells.

The Role of Policy and Collaboration

Political will is a driving force for change, as demonstrated by the impact of regulations like the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme. Localized legislation can incentivize adopting sustainable practices and accelerate the transition to a greener maritime industry. However, regulation alone is not enough. Collaboration across the entire supply chain is essential. By sharing information, expertise, and resources, stakeholders can overcome challenges and develop innovative solutions that benefit the industry.

Purpose Communication's expertise in stakeholder engagement and relationship building can facilitate these collaborative efforts, ensuring that all voices are heard and that communication remains transparent and productive.

Embracing Communication as a Catalyst for Change

Effective communication is not just about conveying information; it fosters understanding, builds trust, and inspires action. In the maritime industry, communication is the grease that keeps the wheels of collaboration turning. By embracing transparency, honesty, and a willingness to work together and leveraging PR professionals' expertise, the industry can move beyond rhetoric and achieve its climate goals.

The road to decarbonization is undoubtedly challenging, but it's a journey that the maritime industry must embark on. By acknowledging the inconvenient truths, embracing collaboration, and focusing on actionable solutions, the industry can create a sustainable future for itself and the planet.

The question is: Can your organization afford to miss out on the transformative power of clear, strategic communication? 

If not, you can contactPurpose Communications today to find out how we can help you navigate the complexities of decarbonization and build a more sustainable future for your business. 

Progress is our Purpose! 
