
Keeping the Momentum: PR Strategies for Startups Without Constant Breaking News

In the fast-paced world of PR, it's a common misconception that brands or clients need to have earth-shattering announcements every few weeks to keep the interest of reporters and stakeholders. While larger companies can rely on a constant stream of news such as acquisitions, partnerships, investments, and product launches, startups face a different reality. Often operating as no-name brands with no-name executives, they must find creative ways to showcase their value and maintain visibility. This article draws inspiration from real-life examples and provides advice on how startups can effectively communicate their presence, innovation, and fundraising efforts.

Building Hype Around the R&D Process

Many startups spend significant time developing their product and finding the right product-market fit. During this interim period, it can be challenging to engage reporters, investors, and other stakeholders without a tangible product or notable updates. However, startups can generate excitement by focusing on the research and development (R&D) process itself. This approach is particularly effective for tech brands operating in cutting-edge fields.

By sharing breakthrough R&D information or results that appeal to consumers, even if those specific features won't be included in the final product, startups can create hype among early adopters. Providing a behind-the-scenes look at the development process can connect with external audiences and sustain excitement. While this approach may lack the polished nature of a product launch, it helps maintain a connection with consumers and keeps them eagerly awaiting the eventual market release.

Consumer-Friendly Content for Wider Impact

When engaging in PR efforts without a product on the market, it's essential to focus on consumer-friendly content. While the ultimate target audience may be investors, developers, or enterprise clients, these groups are likely to come across consumer-oriented stories as well. By prioritizing consumer-friendly content, startups can generate buzz that resonates across multiple stakeholders, effectively targeting several birds with one stone.

It's crucial to recognize that B2B stakeholders can be seen as "lower-hanging fruit" because they also seek wider adoption to validate the overall ecosystem or industry. Even if there's no headline-grabbing news, startups can leverage developer grants and funds as a tactic to drive interest and engagement. Announcing a substantial fund or grant not only attracts attention from the media but also provides an opportunity for executives to articulate their vision for the industry. Importantly, the distribution of the funds can be decided later, allowing flexibility in the timeline.

Thought Leadership and Newsjacking for B2B Success

While B2C strategies tend to generate more hype, B2B businesses can also thrive in PR efforts. Often perceived as dry in terms of storytelling, startups with successful B2B operations may struggle to find news that grabs media attention. In such cases, thought leadership PR becomes crucial. By providing expert opinions on current topics and actively participating in trend articles or bylines, startups can establish themselves as authoritative voices in their industry.

To succeed in thought leadership PR, startups must step outside their comfort zones and engage with topics that reporters find relevant. It may require weighing in on controversial or under-discussed subjects, presenting a unique opportunity for challenger brands. Even if executives are not considered industry experts, they can still contribute by educating the press. Journalists often cover a broad range of topics and appreciate insights from those who have a deeper understanding. By providing valuable insights and clearing up confusion, startups can establish themselves as reliable sources, adding value to both reporters and readers.

Embracing Controversial Topics and Adding Value

In an age where brand messages alone don't capture media attention, startups must be willing to wade into controversial topics and be helpful. Staying in a non-committal comfort zone is not an option. Instead, startups should embrace controversial topics, especially when their niche is not in favor with the mainstream news cycle. By contributing insights, offering guidance, and navigating complex issues, startups can demonstrate their industry knowledge and create win-win situations with journalists.

It's essential to remember that reporters are often overworked and cannot be experts in every field they cover. Startups can fill the gap by providing clarity and value, ultimately establishing themselves as go-to sources for breaking, controversial news. By going beyond their comfort zones and adding value to the conversation, startups can elevate their visibility and build a reputation as trusted voices in their respective industries.

Finding Creative Solutions in PR

Even when there's no groundbreaking news to announce, startups can still engage in effective PR strategies. It's crucial to think outside the box, dig deep, and get creative. Whether by building hype around the R&D process, delivering consumer-friendly content, engaging in thought leadership, or embracing controversial topics, startups can demonstrate their innovative spirit and maintain visibility in a crowded marketplace. By seizing opportunities and providing value to stakeholders, startups can continue to make their mark, even without constant breaking news.

If your startup is seeking expert support in content creation and storytelling to navigate the world of PR, the Purpose Communications team of experts is ready to help you amplify your brand's message and make a lasting impact.
